Easy Ride: Den Perfekta Lösningen för Hästnäringen

Välmående hos hästar och andra djur på ridanläggningar är avgörande för deras hälsa och optimala prestation. Ett välskött...

Värmeöar, Daliform Groups lösningar

Urbana värmeöar är ett växande fenomen, särskilt tydligt i tätbebyggda städer, där temperaturen i dessa områden kan överstiga den i omgivande...


I dagens läge med ständigt ökande miljö- och klimatutmaningar framstår resurseffektivitet och motståndskraft hos byggnader som....

Daliform Group på Bau 2025

BAU 2025-mässan - Messe München - MUNICH 13-17 JANUARI 2025. Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig i Hall A1 - Monter 340

Bevara och förvalta stadsgrönska

Inom stadsplanering är hanteringen av stadsgrönska avgörande för moderna städer. Att förstå hur man hanterar trädrotstillväxt är en avgörande utmaning för att..

Mot en grönare och mer cirkulär framtid

I en värld som står inför utmaningen av klimatförändringar och ansvarsfull resursförvaltning, åtar vi oss på Daliform Group att göra...

Kylrum: vikten av livsmedelsbevaring

Kylrum spelar en nyckelroll för optimal konservering av livsmedel, vilket säkerställer att lättfördärvliga produkter håller sig fräscha...

Tetti Verdi Daliform


Sedan 1970-talet har bioarkitekturen utforskat underjordiska byggnader med fokus på att minska det ekologiska fotavtrycket...

Riqualificazione e Sostenibilità

URBAN REGENERATION: Den tidigare frukt- och grönsaksmarknaden i Genua, en historia om pånyttfödelse

Den tidigare frukt- och grönsaksmarknaden i Genua är en idealisk fallstudie för att förstå vikten av stadsförnyelse.

Solai allege

Bygga med återvunna plastprodukter: lättviktsplattor med U-Bahn® Beton för hållbart byggande

Varför välja U-Bahn® Beton för att skapa en enkelriktad lättviktsbjälklagsplatta? U-Bahn® Beton är en lätt och stapelbar form som..

Water Storm managemen

Atlantis System, en lösning för hantering av regnvatten

Tack vare Atlantis-systemet är det möjligt att bygga tankar för uppsamling av regnvatten, spridningstankar och växthus för vattenåtervinning...

New accessory for the IGLU’® product

Available for Iglu’® from height 14 to 80 cm, the accessory “Prolunga (extension)” permits to adapt the laying of the crawl space to non-multiple dimensions of Iglu’® formwork and to block the passage of concrete inside the cavity.

Daliform Group supports FAI – The Italian Fund for the Environment

Daliform Group supports FAI – The Italian Fund for the Environment - we decided to join Corporate Golden Donor. A concrete gesture to value the Corporate Social Responsibility of our company.

Easy Park® Griglia di protezione per prati già formati

Awareness and sustainability in the Daliform Group lawn protection grids

During these years, the problem of plastic pollution of our planet has reached an unprecedented urgency. Even in the building sector, recycling is became one of the key point on the new construction.

IGLU'® Smart fondazioni ventilate per cella frigorifera

IGLU’® SMART the smart ventilated cavity

Iglu’® Smart is the disposable formwork’s innovative system for the creation of ventilated cavities with more flexibility and simplicity and a faster installation speed.

Riqualificazione urbana a Boulogne-Billancourt in Franciav

DALIFORM GROUP – Creation and production of plastic products for the construction industry

Daliform Group has always been concerned with providing innovative solutions in the construction field that are oriented towards environmental protection and energy saving.

Iglu’® Green Roof by Daliform Group for green roofs in the cities. New gardens for the city’s life.

Green architecture against the social degradation. A trend which is spreading day by day not only like a concept of the residential and private building’s furniture, but also to redevelop some degraded suburbs’ areas with innovative solutions from the technological point of view.

IGLU’® for the new Paul Biya Stadium

Iglu’® was chosen and used to create ramps, steps, structural fillings and height compensations of the Paul Biya Stadium in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Fight against the capillary rising moisture with IGLU’®

Iglu’® is the leading market product, created and patented for the realization of sanitary spaces, ventilated cavities, under-floor cavities, ventilated floors and roofs during the construction and renovation of civil and industrial buildings.

Daliform Group, strukturell lätthet för det nya Bocconi Campus

Med integrationen av U-Boot® Beton-systemet av Daliform Group i projektet var det möjligt att skapa strukturer som perfekt svarade på alla efterfrågade prestationer.

Daliform Group Best Performer Company in the province of Treviso

The award ceremony for the “Award to the 1000 best companies of Treviso” organized by Centro Studi ItalyPost took place on Monday 29 November at 5 pm at the “Mario del Monaco” Municipal Theater in Treviso.

Daliform Group uppnår guldcertifieringen för sitt integrerade ledningssystem

Certifieringsbyrån Kiwa-Cermet Italia S.p.a., efter en integrerad revision för ISO9001-, ISO14001- och ISO45001-scheman, utfärdade GOLD-certifieringen för Daliform Group.

Effective ventilation for the “Nuvola” by Fuksas

"Nuvola" av Fuksas, i Eur-distriktet i Rom, är ett verk med stor arkitektonisk inverkan för vilket innovativa material och lösningar har valts och tillämpats, inklusive Iglu'® av Daliform Group.

Tankar för uppsamling och spridning av regnvatten

Atlantis gör det möjligt att skapa en tank av armerad betong, gjuten direkt på plats, med olika dimensioner i plan och höjd upp till 300 cm för att maximera volymen.

Protecting the road pavement from trees’ roots

This System by Daliform Group, avoids the constipation of the terrain for the creation of the pavement and allows the realization of a cavity that facilitates gas exchange and tree stability, preventing the lifting of the soil.

Improving the seismic response of buildings thanks to the lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton

With the same thickness compared to a monolithic slab, with U-Boot® Beton you get a weight reduction of up to 40%. This has a positive effect on the rest of the structure thanks to the reduction of seismic and gravitational actions.

Post-tensioned and lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton for the multi-level parking in Reims

To improve the slabs’ performances, minimizing labour costs and raw materials used, the lightening system U-Boot® Beton has been included on the project for the realization of lightened slabs coupled with a post-tension system.

Our new website is now online!

We are pleased to inform you that our new website has been online for some days!


From now, almost all Daliform Group's construction systems are available in the BIM format, on the BIMobject website.

New Avis Technique certificate for the U-Boot® Beton construction system

U-Boot® Beton construction system of Daliform Group obtained the Avis Technique issued by the CSTB.

Tour TRINITY – A new outstanding project in Paris

Iglu'® by Daliform Group supplied for the realization of the Tour Trinity in La Défense, Paris.

Future building in 100 italian stories

Presentata a Palazzo Giacomelli di Treviso la ricerca "100 italian stories for future building" redatta da Fondazione Symbola e Fassa Bortolo. Daliform Group tra le aziende più innovative d'Italia.

Tour ALTO: Daliform Group at La Défense

Another tower is added to the ones built so far with the use of U-Boot® Beton of Daliform Group: Tour ALTO.

100 Italian stories for future building

Daliform Group is part of the 100 Italian excellences which are looking toward the future relying on innovation, sustainability and beauty.

Cassero a perdere per solai alleggeriti U-Boot Beton

Espace Tourbillon – the future of Geneva

Espace Turbillon: a very prestigious project that Daliform Group has started in Geneva.

Inaugurated a new branch of Zanutta spa in Oderzo

Zanutta spa inaugurates a new branch in Oderzo with great success.

Tour DUO: another important goal for the Company

Iglu'® Plus for two towers in the heart of Paris.

The U-Boot® Beton of Daliform Group for the Mall of Sousse – Tunisia

Daliform Group, with a great supply of U-Boot® Beton, takes place to the realization of the Mall of Sousse, the greatest shopping centre in Tunisia.

Daliform Group for ”Setti” Square in Treviglio – Bergamo (Italy)

Daliform Group had part in the realization of the "Setti" Square's underground parking with 2 floors in Treviglio (Italy), where we can find 219 car parks.

Daliform Group at “ The Big 5 Heavy” 2018

The first edition of Dubai's "The Big 5 Heavy" 2018, in which Daliform Group exhibited its constructive solutions, ended.

Renewed legality’s rating for Daliform Group

Renew of the certification of legality’s rating for Daliform Group, with a score of two stars and one +.

CSTB renewed Avis Technique

Once again, Daliform Group is proud to communicate that, after some laboratory tests and inspections, the certification AVIS TECHNIQUE has been renewed for the products Iglu'® and Iglu'® Plus.

U-Boot® Beton Design Software is online

U-Boot® Beton Design Software is online: it is the ideal tool for designing of voided slabs without drop panels or drop beams.

New partnership for Daliform Group

New partnership between Daliform Group and Nobon Group: the only company entitled to the production of Daliform Group items in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


On Thursday, 19th January 2017, Proetica - an Association of Unindustria Treviso and Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti Treviso, organized the meeting “Gli strumenti ‘premiali’ di legalità e trasparenza” in which the CEO of Daliform Group, Mr. Albertini Antimo Riccardo, was invited to participate.

Daliform Group, ”checkmate” to patent violation

Daliform Group, checkmate to patent violation

Kränks patent, Daliform vinner målet

Daliform vinner målet. Två andra italienska företag har dömts för brott, illojal konkurrens och hänsynslös ljus.

The new website is now online

Helt renoverat i grafik, innehåll och informations möjligheter, är den nya Daliform Groups hemsida nu på nätet.

Daliform Group for the project of raising the industrial floor of the largest airport in the world

Daliform Group for the project of raising the industrial floor of the largest airport in the world

Daliform Group achieved the legality’s rating

Daliform Group ha ottenuto il rating di leglità con un punteggio di due stelle e un + ed è stata inserita nell’elenco delle imprese trasparenti.