Острова тепла, решения Daliform Group

Городские острова тепла — это постоянно растущее явление, особенно заметное в городах с высокой плотностью застройки, где температура может значительно превышать показатели в прилегающих сельских районах. Изменение климата и усиливающиеся летние волны жары делают поиск устойчивых решений актуальным, например, таких как SISTEMA ATLANTIS и Iglù® Green Roof, которые помогают бороться с эффектом островов тепла.

Острова тепла возникают, когда городские поверхности поглощают и удерживают солнечное тепло дольше, чем природные территории. Это создает более теплый микроклимат, а отсутствие растительности уменьшает естественную способность охлаждать окружающую среду.

Основные причины появления тепловых островов:

  • Уплотнение почвы. Асфальт и бетон препятствуют испарению воды — ключевому процессу естественного охлаждения.
  • Нехватка зелёных насаждений. Сокращение количества парков и деревьев ограничивает фотосинтез и транспирацию, которые необходимы для регулирования температуры.
  • Выбросы. Транспорт, системы кондиционирования и промышленная деятельность выделяют тепло и парниковые газы, усугубляя явление.

Последствия тепловых островов сказываются на качестве жизни, повышают риски для здоровья и увеличивают потребление энергии из-за кондиционеров. Для эффективной борьбы с этим явлением необходимо сосредоточиться на зелёной инфраструктуре и технологиях, способствующих улучшению устойчивости городов.

SISTEMA ATLANTIS: защита городских деревьев
Городские деревья играют важную роль в борьбе с тепловыми островами. Система защиты деревьев Atlantis разработана для защиты корней, обеспечивая их здоровый рост даже в условиях плотной городской застройки.

Преимущества включают:

  • Оптимизацию роста деревьев и улучшение зелёного покрытия.
  • Защиту инфраструктуры от повреждений.
  • Улучшение качества воздуха и снижение выбросов CO₂.

Iglù® Green Roof: зелёные крыши с улучшенной теплоизоляцией
Эта система представляет собой инновационное решение для создания зелёных крыш. Благодаря модульной структуре она позволяет эффективно улучшать теплоизоляцию зданий и снижать эффект теплового острова.

Основные преимущества зелёной крыши:

  • Способствует дренажу, снижая риск затоплений.
  • Улучшает тепло- и звукоизоляцию.
  • Увеличивает срок службы кровли.
  • Снижает температуру в городах.

Тепловые острова — сложная проблема для современных и будущих городов, но благодаря таким инновационным решениям, как SISTEMA ATLANTIS и Iglù® Green Roof, возможно создавать более устойчивые и комфортные городские пространства. Инвестиции в зелёную инфраструктуру не только помогают снижать температуру, но и улучшают качество жизни, повышая климатическую устойчивость наших городов.


В современном контексте постоянно растущих экологических и климатических проблем эффективность использования ресурсов и устойчивость зданий становятся основополагающими элементами устойчивого и долговечного строительства.
Мы в Daliform Group активно стремимся предлагать строительные решения, учитывающие потребности планеты.

Наша приверженность зеленой энергии
Мы уже давно встали на путь энергетической устойчивости, перейдя на 100-процентную «зеленую» энергию для наших производственных процессов, получаемую исключительно из возобновляемых источников.

Это означает, что энергия, используемая для производства наших систем, не содержит CO₂. Таким образом, мы активно способствуем снижению воздействия на окружающую среду.
Выбор в пользу экологически чистой энергии — это не только экологический выбор, но и стратегическое обязательство по сокращению вредных выбросов и развитию корпоративной культуры, направленной на защиту окружающей среды.

Использование переработанного пластика
Использование переработанных материалов, таких как пластик, является ключевым фактором для развития циркулярной экономики в строительном секторе. Наши изделия из переработанного пластика снижают зависимость от первичного сырья, уменьшая общее воздействие на окружающую среду.

Сокращение выбросов
Эффективность использования ресурсов тесно связана с сокращением выбросов парниковых газов. Реализуя стратегии повышения эффективности использования материалов и внедряя передовые строительные технологии, мы способствуем созданию зданий с уменьшенным углеродным следом, поддерживая глобальные цели по смягчению последствий изменения климата.

Экономия материалов
Оптимизация использования материалов не только снижает стоимость строительства, но и минимизирует воздействие на окружающую среду. Решения Daliform позволяют эффективно использовать материалы, обеспечивая при этом отличные конструктивные характеристики.
Одним из примеров является огромное количество бетона, сэкономленное на каждой строительной площадке благодаря системам Iglù®, Atlantis и U-Boot® Beton.

Устойчивые здания и управление гидравлическими рисками
Устойчивость здания — это способность противостоять и адаптироваться к непредвиденным природным явлениям или изменению климата.
Опалубка Daliform Group повышает долговечность и адаптивность зданий и инфраструктуры, обеспечивая безопасность и комфорт для пользователей. Эффективное управление водными ресурсами имеет решающее значение для предотвращения наводнений и разрушения конструкций. Такие решения, как Atlantis Tank, являются неотъемлемой частью стратегии адаптации к изменению климата, что крайне важно для современных городов, сталкивающихся с проблемой управления водными ресурсами.

Благодаря инновациям мы продолжаем наш путь к тому, чтобы экологичное строительство стало доступным для всех.

Daliform Group at Bau 2025

From 13 to 17 January, we will be at BAU 2025, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, building materials and systems, which will be held in Munich.
During the event, we will present our solutions for sustainable and responsible building, focusing on topics such as:

  • Reducing CO₂ emissions and the amount of materials used
  • Flood management
  • Climate-adaptaed buildings

With our products made of recycled plastic through 100% renewable green energy production processes, we demonstrate the Daliform Group’s commitment to reducing the environmental impact of construction.

We look forward to seeing you in Hall A1 — Stand 340


Saving and managing urban greenery

Atlantis System: an save-roots solution for urban space management

In urban planning, the management of urban greenery is essential for modern cities. Understanding how to deal with tree roots growth is a crucial challenge, in order to preserve street pavements and ensure safe and durable infrastructure.
The Atlantis System also stands out as an effective solution for green areas, as it is able to conciliating the natural growth of trees with the integrity of urban surfaces.

How does the Atlantis System work?

The Atlantis System creates a cavity under the pavement, a ventilated structure that directs the roots towards controlled horizontal growth.

This approach prevents roots from lifting or damaging the pavement, preserving its integrity.
In addition, the system facilitates rainwater drainage and gaseous exchange in the soil, promoting tree health and infrastructure stability.

Key benefits:

  • Protection of surfaces, preventing damage caused by roots, eliminating deformation and soil uplift.
  • Reduced maintenance costs, less extraordinary work on city pavements.
  • Increased safety, eliminating the risk of accidents to people caused by uneven pavements.
  • Environmental sustainability and functionality, it facilitates rainwater drainage and optimises soil oxygenation, improving the health and stability of trees.

Thanks to the Atlantis System, it is possible to improve urban green management and preserve the integrity of infrastructure, contributing to more liveable and sustainable cities.
This solution represents the future of modern urban planning, where technology and nature work in synergy

Towards a greener, circular future

A sustainable future with clean energy and recycled plastic products.

In a world that is facing the challenge of climate change and responsible resource management, we at Daliform Group are committed to concrete green choices. We have embarked on a path of energy sustainability, choosing to power our production processes with 100% green energy from renewable sources. This means that the energy we use to manufacture our products is CO₂-free, contributing significantly to reducing our environmental impact.

The use of clean energy is a conscious choice, aimed not only at reducing harmful emissions, but also at promoting an environmentally friendly corporate culture. This commitment enables us to play an active role in creating a greener, sustainable and planet-friendly economy.

Recycled plastic: an added value for our products.

The other key pillar of our green strategy is the use of recycled plastic. Our products, such as our permanent formwork systems, are designed to offer high performance and durability while minimising environmental impact. The use of recycled plastic does not compromise the quality of our products; on the contrary, it adds value in terms of sustainability, responding to the growing demand for environmentally friendly materials from the market and our customers.

The benefits of our choice.
  • Reduction of CO₂ emissions: by using renewable energy, we contribute significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, limiting the impact of the production process on global warming.
  • Waste minimisation: the use of recycled plastic in our production helps reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment, extending the life cycle of materials and supporting the principles of the circular economy.
  • Innovation and sustainable quality: our recycled plastic products maintain high standards of quality and performance, meeting the technical requirements of the construction and engineering sector, but with added value: reducing environmental impact.
  • Social commitment: adopting a sustainable production model means not only respecting the environment, but also generating value for the community, demonstrating that it is possible to combine innovation and respect for the planet.

Towards a greener future

Our commitment does not stop here. We look to the future with the understanding that sustainability is not an end point, but a continuous process of improvement. We will continue to invest in green solutions and promote sustainable practices in all areas of our business.

We are convinced that change starts with small and big choices we make every day.
And choosing to use clean energy and recycled plastic is our answer to the climate challenge.

Icon Office II solaio alleggerito con Uboot Daliform

Cold storage: the importance of food preservation

In an increasingly globalised world, where demand for food is growing exponentially and attention to sustainability becomes crucial, food preservation is a key element in ensuring food safety and reducing waste. The cold chain, including cold rooms, refrigerated transport and temperature-controlled warehouses, is essential to keep perishable products fresh and safe, from the producer to the end consumer.

Cold rooms play a key role in the optimal preservation of food, ensuring that perishable products stay fresh for longer and minimising waste. Thanks to their ability to maintain a constant and controlled temperature, cold rooms slow down the natural spoilage of food, preventing the growth of bacteria and the degradation of nutritional quality. Furthermore, reducing food waste is a global priority.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that approximately one third of the food produced in the world is lost or wasted each year. Cold storage is an essential tool for reducing these losses, helping to maintain food quality for longer during transport, storage and distribution.


IGLU’®: efficiency and sustainability for cold rooms

In cold storage rooms, energy efficiency and thermal insulation are crucial aspects.
The floor of a cold room is often a critical point, as it represents an area where heat loss can be highest. This is where Daliform Group’s IGLU’® technology comes into play, an innovative solution that can significantly improve cold room performance.

IGLU’® is a modular system made of recycled plastic, designed to create an aerated cavity under the floor of cold rooms. This ventilated crawl space improves thermal insulation, reduces the risk of structural damage and offers a sustainable approach to construction.
During the design phase, a ‘smart’ system with mechanical ventilation or one with natural ventilation can be integrated into the apparatus, if properly dimensioned.



Advantages of the IGLU’® system for cold stores:

  • Improved thermal efficiency: the air cavity created by the IGLU’® system allows for better thermal management, reducing heat transfer from the ground to the cold room. This helps maintain more stable temperatures inside the cold room, reducing the energy consumption needed to cool the space and improving the overall efficiency of the system.
  • Prevention of structural damage: a dry environment underneath the cold room floor is essential to prevent moisture build-up, which can cause deterioration of the foundation and lead to phenomena such as frost heaving, where freezing of the ground causes damaging uplifts to the structure.
    The IGLU’® system reduces this risk, increasing the durability of the entire infrastructure.
  • Ease of installation: IGLU’®’s modular, lightweight system allows quick and efficient installation, reducing construction time and costs. This flexible system easily adapts to different space configurations, offering customised solutions for every type of cold store.
  • Environmental sustainability: IGLU’® modules are made of recycled plastic, helping to reduce the environmental impact of cold storage construction. Their arched design ensures maximum strength, reducing the need for additional materials and thus contributing to a more sustainable construction.

Cold stores are indispensable structures for the safe and prolonged storage of food and for reducing food waste along the cold chain. In this scenario, the IGLU’® system is an ideal solution for more efficient, sustainable and durable cold stores, making a significant contribution not only to food preservation but also to reducing the environmental impact of industrial facilities.

Tetti Verdi Daliform

Earth shelter Buildings: IGLU’® Green Roofs

Since the 1970s, bio-architecture has explored underground construction, focusing on reducing ecological footprints and enhancing microclimates.
These structures not only blend seamlessly into the landscape but also offer substantial energy savings and adapt well to complex topographies. Key benefits of subterranean buildings include stabilised internal temperatures due to the thermal inertia of the ground and superior thermal and acoustic insulation.

IGLU’® GREEN ROOF: The Sustainable Choice

To achieve efficient and sustainable underground buildings, the selection of appropriate materials and technologies is crucial. IGLU’® GREEN ROOF, a formwork system made from recycled plastic, exemplifies the fusion of ecological benefits and high technical performance, enabling the creation of green roofs with multiple advantages:

  • Water Retention and Gradual Drainage: IGLU’® GREEN ROOF excels in retaining and storing water, promoting gradual drainage during heavy rainfall, which prevents vegetation loss due to either water scarcity or excess.
  • Environmental Sustainability: This system enhances both the macro and microclimates, improving air quality and contributing to overall environmental health.
  • Thermal Insulation: It contributes to the thermal insulation of the building, reducing heat loss in winter and offering natural cooling in summer, thus ensuring year-round indoor comfort.
  • Acoustic Insulation: IGLU’® GREEN ROOF effectively mitigates sound transmission, reducing noise propagation to the rooms below and enhancing indoor comfort.
  • Increased Property Value: The aesthetic and functional benefits of green roofs significantly enhance property value, making buildings more attractive and valuable.

Applications in Various Building Types

IGLU’® GREEN ROOF is ideal for a wide range of structures, including residential housing, commercial buildings, and public infrastructure. Its application in underground projects improves the sustainability of these buildings and enhances their appeal, creating more welcoming and pleasant environments for occupants.

The adoption of underground buildings offers an innovative response to modern environmental and urban challenges. With Daliform Group’s IGLU’® GREEN ROOF, projects can achieve a blend of sustainability, energy efficiency, and landscape integration.

By utilising modern technologies and thoughtful design, underground buildings can revolutionise construction and living spaces, contributing to a greener, more resilient future.

Riqualificazione e Sostenibilità

URBAN REGENERATION: The former fruit and vegetable market in Genoa, a story of rebirth

Urban regeneration is a crucial component in the sustainable development of contemporary cities. Through targeted interventions, disused and degraded areas can be transformed into vibrant and functional spaces, meeting the needs of an ever-evolving society. An exemplary case of such transformation is the renovation of the former fruit and vegetable market in Genoa.

Urban regeneration extends beyond mere building restoration; it encompasses the redevelopment of entire neighbourhoods, enhancing the quality of life for residents, promoting environmental sustainability, and stimulating the local economy. This process may include the rehabilitation of historic buildings, the creation of new public spaces, the improvement of infrastructure, and the promotion of sustainable mobility. One of the most effective approaches in urban regeneration is public-private collaboration, which combines resources and expertise to realise ambitious and impactful projects.


The Redevelopment of the Former Fruit and Vegetable Market in Genoa

The former fruit and vegetable market in Genoa serves as an ideal case study for understanding the significance of urban regeneration. Situated in a strategic location within the city, this space had languished in neglect for several years, becoming a symbol of decay. Thanks to an ambitious redevelopment and reuse project, the area has undergone a radical transformation, emerging as a hub of attraction that fosters greater social cohesion. The design of this new multifunctional space has preserved the historical memory of the complex, creating a large park for the community and commercial spaces for local businesses.

U-Boot® Beton: Technology at the Service of Regeneration

A distinctive feature of this project was the utilisation of U-Boot® Beton, a recycled plastic formwork for voided biaxial slabs, offering several advantages:

  • Reduction in Structural Weight: By unburdening the floor, it was possible to reduce the load on the bearing structures, facilitating renovation without compromising stability.
  • Environmental Sustainability: U-Boot® Beton contributed to reducing the environmental impact of the project, thanks to the significant savings in concrete and steel.
  • Design Flexibility: The versatility of U-Boot® Beton allowed for easy adaptation to specific project requirements, as it is ideal for buildings with complex geometries.

Urban regeneration is a complex yet indispensable process to reintegrate disused or abandoned areas into our cities. Investing in urban regeneration means building a better future for the community, transforming forgotten spaces into places of opportunity and growth.


Solai allege

Building with Recycled Plastic Products: Lightweight Slabs with U-Bahn® Beton for Sustainable Construction

In contemporary construction, the quest for innovative and sustainable solutions is increasingly paramount. Within this context, lightweight slabs with U-Bahn® Beton emerge as a high-performance and environmentally conscious choice.
Crafted from recycled plastic, U-Bahn® Beton modular formwork exemplifies the principles of the circular economy.
The advantages of this technology extend beyond environmental benefits, offering tangible improvements in construction efficiency.

Why Choose U-Bahn® Beton for One-Way Lightweight Floor Slabs?

As a lightweight and stackable void former, U-Bahn® Beton provides exceptional design flexibility. Unlike brick piñatas and polystyrene formers, it facilitates the creation of cavities for the passage of cables and installations.


Maximum Versatility: U-Bahn® Beton is ideal for the production of precast slabs, significantly reducing construction time and labour costs.
High Precision and Uniformity: The U-Bahn® Beton void former ensures perfect concrete rib geometry, enhancing structural performance.
Improved Site Cleanliness: Its compact and modular design minimises waste and debris on site, promoting a cleaner and safer working environment.
Enhanced Seismic Performance: The presence of a double reinforced concrete shell imparts greater rigidity and seismic resistance to U-Bahn® Beton slabs, making them ideal for areas with high seismic risk.


U-Bahn® Beton is the optimal solution for lightweight one-way slabs in a diverse range of buildings, including residential, commercial, office, industrial structures, and public buildings such as schools and hospitals. It is particularly suited for applications that require one-way slabs and floors where minimizing structural loads is essential.
This system not only reduces the need for concrete and steel but also significantly lowers the building’s embodied carbon footprint.

A notable application is in underground construction using the «top-down» technique. Unlike traditional open-air construction that progresses from the bottom up, this method involves constructing load-bearing slabs from the top down, alternating slab construction with the excavation of lower levels.
This technique is often employed in the development of underground car parks in historic city centres, where the presence of adjacent buildings and the necessity for rapid road system restoration pose significant constraints.

Water Storm managemen

Atlantis System: An Innovative Solution for Effective Rainwater Management

Continuous cementation and increasing settlement densities, although necessary for human development, are causing significant changes in surface and groundwater regimes. Additionally, climate change and rising temperatures are altering weather patterns. The most obvious effects of this climatic trend are more intense and concentrated rainfall, followed by extended periods of drought. These extreme weather phenomena significantly increase the likelihood of flooding due to severe and sudden deluges.

Soil sealing prevents rainwater from being absorbed into the ground, shortening runoff time and causing water to reach receiving bodies much more abruptly. This leads to several problems:

  • Reduction in Water Reserves: Less rainwater is absorbed, lowering aquifers and risking their depletion.
  • Sewer Overload: A sudden increase in the volume of water can jeopardize system functionality, resulting in flooding and associated social costs.
  • Water Quality: As water flows through urban areas, it becomes increasingly polluted, leading to greater wastage of drinking water.
  • Flood Risk: On a larger scale, river basins can collapse, causing flooding with potentially tragic consequences.

Stormwater storage tank

In a context where hydraulic invariance is a standard in new construction, the Atlantis System offers a practical and effective solution for creating water harvesting and lamination tanks. Utilizing the Atlantis System, it is possible to construct rainwater harvesting tanks, dispersion tanks, and water recycling greenhouses. These reinforced concrete tanks, consisting of a bottom slab, perimeter walls, and a top slab supported by columns, are engineered to support a range of loads, including pedestrian walkways, landscaped areas, and car parks.

These tanks can be installed under forecourts, roads, and commercial or industrial car parks to mitigate the effects of flooding caused by exceptional meteorological events. This approach restores the drainage capacity of the ground lost to concrete, without any visual or environmental impact.

Legislation on water protection emphasizes the need for constructing catchment and dispersion basins to prevent flooding and highlights the growing importance of sustainable land transformation. Public authorities can benefit significantly from constructing rainwater dispersion basins. This not only recharges rather than depletes the groundwater table but also eliminates the need to oversize sewer networks as cities expand. Additionally, a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for an area – be it a municipality, province, or river basin – can facilitate the implementation of a complete hydro-geological rehabilitation plan, thereby significantly reducing the risk of flooding.