On Wednesday 31st January, 2018 the Antitrust Authority provides the renew of the certification of legality’s rating for Daliform Group, that is to say the certification for the virtuous companies, with a score of two stars and one +.
This in another important result for the Company, that always pays attention to respect values of job’s legality and transparence.
CSTB renewed Avis Technique
Once again, Daliform Group is proud to communicate that, after some laboratory tests and inspections, the certification AVIS TECHNIQUE has been renewed for the products Iglu’® and Iglu’® Plus.
U-Boot® Beton Design Software is online
U-Boot® Beton Design Software is online: it is the ideal tool for designing of voided slabs without drop panels or drop beams.
The software meets all the needs of designers who deal with the study of the voided slabs with the U-Boot® Beton system of Daliform Group, providing them with all the necessary data to properly carry out the structural analysis of the slab designing:
– the geometric and inertial characteristics of the resistant cross-section;
– inertia and weight modifiers to consider in FEM Analysis for “plate” elements of the same thickness;
– resistant moment and shear resistant values;
– detailed and complete CAD cross sections which report all the information implemented by the user;
– a comprehensive report of all input and output data.
The Software is available here.
New partnership for Daliform Group
The first part of the procedure that will give rise to the official subscription in next June of the “Exclusive partnership agreement” with Nobon Group Company represented by CEO Mr. Alireza Sha’bani was concluded on 7 April 2017.
The company is the sole authorized firm to produce Daliform Group’s items in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Daliform Group’s network of international partners has therefore increased.
Thanks to Nobon Group, it will be possible to promote more efficiently products such as Iglù®, U-Boot®, Atlantis, U-Bahn®, Pratopratico®, etc. and guarantee a high level of services pre and after-sales in a very important Country, which aims to recover the market share lost during the years of embargo.
A Country characterized by high growth rates, with 80 million of citizens, that suggests itself as distributive hub and leading role on the world stage.
On Thursday, 19th January 2017, Proetica – an Association of Unindustria Treviso and Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti Treviso, organized the meeting “Gli strumenti ‘premiali’ di legalità e trasparenza” in which the CEO of Daliform Group, Mr. Albertini Antimo Riccardo, was invited to participate.
Other speakers present:
Anna Daniele, CEO of E.Ma.Price in Possagno,
Filippo Antonello, Sole Director of Vidori Servizi Ambientali in Vidor,
Silvia Crosato, head of HR, Legal and Commercial department of Contarina.
The meeting was useful for to the richness of company’s witnesses in which there emerged approaches and reasons even significantly different that motivated the companies to get their Legality Rating issued by the Italian Competition Authority.
The Rating is part of those proactive tools introduced some years ago, such as the white lists handled by the Prefectures and, more recently, the company’s rating in the new discipline of public procurement, which aim is to highlight and reward the companies which demonstrate to act in compliance with the rules.
So not only the classic action of illegal phenomena’s suppression, but also reward tools to better stimulate and encourage virtuous and transparent company’s behaviours against the culture of illegality.
Daliform Group, “checkmate” to patent violation
The appointed judge Dr. Martina Gasparini following the appeal for sequestration and inhibitory description, ex artt. 129, 131 and 134 c.p.i., 669 bis and ss. 670 c.p.c. proposed by TPS Srl and Daliform Group Srl ordered, towards SPIDERPLAST Srl, the injunction to produce, use and / or market and / or advertise in any form and manner, in any sales channel, including Internet, trade fairs , and in any other commercial seat, of all kinds of formwork at adjustable heights called GOLIATH or otherwise entitled in counterfeiting of the title of property indicated in the appeal;
The fine of € 500.00 was set for each violation or day of delay in the execution of the provisions;
The order was issued for the publication once, in double-normal characters, by the applicant and at the expense of the defendant, with the right of reimbursement of the invoices, in the newspaper Corriere della Sera and Gazzettino national editions;
The companies SPIDERPLAST Srl and GEOPLAST Spa were jointly and severally liable to pay the costs of the proceedings.
Patentes falsificados, DALIFORM ganha processo
Victory in the court for Daliform Group and T.P.S., that in addition to the need of difending their own patent rights in the International branch, they have seen their products forged by Italian companies.
After a grievance, which lasted six years, the Court of Venice – specialized Section in the business field – sentenced the companies GEOPLAST S.p.A. and GRANPLAST 2001 Srl, both coming from Grantorto, to compensate more than one million and a half Euro, inclusive of penalties and compensation of costs/expenses.
Already in March 2011 had been issued precautionary and restrictive injunctions against the products ELEVETOR and NAUTILUS and afterwards, in September 2013, against the product NAUTILUS EVO, all of Geoplast Spa, because they were considered in forgery of the patents corresponding to our systems ATLANTIS and U-BOOT® BETON, that is to say two among the most successful products of DALIFORM GROUP and appreciated by very important stars, as Renzo Piano, Paolo Portoghesi, Mario Botta, Zara Hadid, Libeskind, Arata Isozaki, Jean Nouvel and many others… .
The sentence was issued (per extract) on September, 29th 2016, by Corriere della Sera and on September, 30th 2016 by Il Sole 24ORE – in compliance with what ordered by the same Court.
O novo Web site está online
Completamente renovado em seu aspecto gráfico, em seu conteúdos y em seu capacidade de informação, o novo Web site de DALIFORM GROUP, caracterizado por um layout moderno, funzional e utilizável desde cualquer dispositivo, está online.
Este sitio web nasceu com a vontade de abastecer el usuário de um major conhecimiento y uma major consciência de as capacidades de os produtos Daliform Group e de a grandeza de seu aplicaçãos em o sector de contrução.
Rigorosamente em 12 idiomas, o novo layout está caracterizado por seçãos completas, que se navegam facilmente, ricas de informaçãos, para aproximar-se mais de as necessidades de os ‘stakeholders’ (investidores).
Daliform Group for the project of raising the industrial floor of the largest airport in the world
Daliform Group, leader company in creating and manufacturing plastic products for the construction industry, closes the deal with “IGA” and wins an ultra-millionaire supply for the largest airport hub in the world in the nearby of Istanbul.
Dr. Antimo Riccardo Albertini, the president of Daliform Group, signed the agreement directly with “Istanbul Grand Airport”, the consortium composed by five Turkish contractor-leaders, concessionaire for the construction and management of the New Airport of Istanbul, for the first supply of 186.000 sm of own building system “Atlantis”, a variant of the more known “Iglù®”, to create a remarkable raised industrial floor of the building air terminal.
IGA chose for the majestic project the product Daliform, after an articulate negotiation, as able to solve various and complicated structural problems thanks to the quality and versatility of the system as well as the excellent engineering team of the company.
“It is a source of great pride for us” explain Dr. Albertini “to contribute to the construction of the largest and most modern airport in the world. This record demonstrates the value of excellence of Italian companies and confirms the rewarding strategic choices, result of hard work and far from easy. This is merely the latest of many international projects gained by the company and it confirms the role of esteemed supplier & partner for innovation, products value and high proficiency of our engineers”.
Daliform Group has ever promoted innovative construction systems of great success with official recognitions all around the world. During the years, several famous architects’ works benefited from Daliform’s products. Just to mention some well-know personalities: Renzo Piano, Paolo Portoghesi, Mario Botta, Zaha Hadid, Libeskind, Arata Isozaki, Jean Nouvel, … and many others.
The importance of this project, for the global aviation and the whole economy in Turkey is of the utmost relevance. The new airport will firstly have a capacity of 90 million passengers per year and will be built in the European part of the city at 35 Kilometers from the centre, near to the Black Sea. Once all the expansion phases of the stopover will be completed, the airport, with its six airstrips and three terminals, will be able to guarantee air travel to 200 million passengers.
Daliform Group achieved the legality’s rating
On 22nd December, 2015 Daliform Group achieved the certification of legality’s rating, that is to say the certification for the virtuous companies, issued by the Antitrust Authority, with a score of two stars and one +. Moreover, it took part in the list of the transparent companies. This important result for Daliform Group, shows the attention’s level which characterizes the company, in the correct management of its own business, in full compliance with values of legality, transparence and job’s dignity.