En el contexto actual de crecientes desafíos medioambientales y climáticos, la eficiencia de los recursos y la resiliencia de los edificios se presentan como pilares fundamentales para una construcción sostenible y duradera. En Daliform Group nos comprometemos a proponer soluciones de construcción que tengan en cuenta las necesidades del planeta.

Nuestro compromiso con la energía verde

Hace tiempo que emprendimos el camino de la sostenibilidad energética y hemos adoptado un 100 % de energía verde, procedente exclusivamente de fuentes renovables, para nuestros procesos de producción.
Esto significa que la energía utilizada para producir nuestros sistemas no contiene CO₂. De este modo, contribuimos activamente a reducir nuestro impacto medioambiental. Elegir energía limpia no es solo una opción ecológica, sino también un compromiso estratégico para reducir las emisiones nocivas y promover una cultura empresarial orientada a la protección del medio ambiente.

Uso de plásticos reciclados

El uso de materiales reciclados, como el plástico, es fundamental para fomentar la economía circular en el sector de la construcción. Nuestros productos fabricados con plásticos reciclados reducen la dependencia de materias primas vírgenes, lo que disminuye el impacto medioambiental global.

Reducción de las emisiones

La eficiencia de los recursos está estrechamente vinculada a la reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Mediante la aplicación de estrategias de eficiencia de materiales y la adopción de tecnologías avanzadas de construcción, contribuimos a que los edificios tengan una huella de carbono reducida y apoyamos los objetivos mundiales de mitigación del cambio climático.

Ahorro de materiales

Optimizar el uso de materiales no solo reduce los costes de construcción, sino que también minimiza el impacto medioambiental. Las soluciones Daliform permiten utilizar los materiales de manera eficaz y garantizar un excelente rendimiento estructural.
Un ejemplo es la enorme cantidad de hormigón que se ahorra en cada obra gracias a los sistemas Iglù®, Atlantis y U-Boot® Beton.

Edificios resilientes y gestión del riesgo hidráulico

La resiliencia de los edificios es su capacidad para resistir y adaptarse a fenómenos naturales imprevistos o al cambio climático. Los encofrados Daliform Group aumentan la durabilidad y la adaptabilidad de los edificios y las infraestructuras, y garantizan la seguridad y el confort de los usuarios.
Una gestión eficaz del agua es crucial para evitar inundaciones y daños estructurales. Soluciones como Atlantis Tank son parte integrante de una estrategia de adaptación al cambio climático, esencial para las ciudades modernas que se enfrentan al problema de la gestión del agua.


A través de la innovación, seguimos avanzando para garantizar que la construcción ecológica sea cada vez más asequible para todos.

IGLU'® Smart fondazioni ventilate per cella frigorifera

IGLU’® SMART the smart ventilated cavity

IGLU’® SMART is the disposable formwork’s innovative system for the creation of ventilated cavities with more flexibility and simplicity and a faster installation speed.

Specialized in the production of recycled plastic products for the construction industry, Daliform Group has signed numerous innovations over the years that have improved the way of building.
Among these Iglu’® Smart, a disposable eco-friendly formwork made of recycled plastic, ideal for covering large surface areas in considerably shorter time frames than with normal formworks.
Iglu’® Smart’s unique, innovative configuration and special interlocking system with adjustable notches in its two appendages, allow for easy adjustment of the size of the formwork’s plan in both directions, at right angles to each other, horizontally and vertically.
In addition to the standard dimensions 50 x 50 cm, 52.5 x 52.5 cm, and 55 x 55 cm, with Iglu’® Smart it is also possible to obtain non-standard dimensions such as 55 x 52.5 cm, 52.5 x 50 cm, 50 x 55 cm, or 50 x 52.5 cm.
Simply by adjusting the position of the overlap between the formworks, i.e. by shifting the formwork using the pre-set notches, without using additional accessories such as extension systems, for example.

Riqualificazione urbana a Boulogne-Billancourt in Franciav

DALIFORM GROUP – Creation and production of plastic products for the construction industry

The Daliform Group Company in Gorgo al Monticano (TV), has always been concerned with providing innovative solutions in the construction field that are oriented towards environmental protection and energy saving.
The Iglu’® and Atlantis Systems, based on disposable formworks in 100% recycled polypropylene, originally made to create ventilated crawl spaces and cavities, over time have found more and more uses in other fields of application, like: rainwater collection tanks, bike paths, green houses, anti-root applications, green roofs, geothermic and heat recovery.
During the last years these products have had an important success on architects and landscapers with their use on green roofs in urban areas.
Nowadays urban spaces must be revised: the citizen who lives in large cities like Milan, Paris, London, Tokyo and New York feels the need for greenery, shuns asphalt and concrete.
Not surprisingly, and increasingly, both in the interventions of new urbanization and urban redevelopment, the best architects of the moment foresee that the ground level above the basements are used as greenery with trees, plants, bushes, lawns and, of course, equipped with play areas for children. These areas are increasingly thought of as a real simulation of natural environments, with slopes, hills and changes in altitude.
The most important problem during the realization of these compositions is to create different levels without excessively burdening the load-bearing structures.
Thanks to the Iglu® and Atlantis System products, it is possible to create spaces at different levels quickly, easily and absolutely economically by configuring the space in a flexible and dynamic way: a simple concrete completion casting, reinforced with a very light electro-welded mesh, will provide you with a support that, covered with a layer of a few tens of cm of fill soil, will transform what was previously a cemented space into a real green urban area.
Among the many references of Daliform Group products, one stands out in particular in the context of a social housing complex’s redevelopment in the city of Boulogne Billancourt (Paris), subject to massive redevelopment by great architects such as Jean Nouvel, Renzo Piano, Herzong & De Meuron to name a few.
Daliform Group is the point of reference in the construction industry for those who design, distribute and construct.
Is an innovative company that spreads the culture of excellence by offering the best products and best solutions for the environments in which we live, work and enjoy ourselves, that aspires to help everyone working in construction to do it better, more efficiently and more attractively, improving the quality of life.

Iglu’® Green Roof by Daliform Group for green roofs in the cities. New gardens for the city’s life.

Green architecture against the social degradation. A trend which is spreading day by day not only like a concept of the residential and private building’s furniture, but also to redevelop some degraded suburbs’ areas with innovative solutions from the technological point of view.
This is the case of a social housing complex in the city of Boulogne Billancourt (France), once inhabited by the workers of the Citröen, now incorporated by Paris itself and subject to massive redevelopment by great architects such as Jean Nouvel, Renzo Piano, Herzong & De Meuron to name a few. What was once a popular area is now turning into one of the most modern and chic districts of the “Ville Lumière”. The intervention concerned two buildings built in the 1960s, in a state of decay and inhabited by socially difficult people, to whom it was decided to make the living space more pleasant and livable: the separation surface between the two buildings, to cover the garages, it was then transformed into a green area.
The main problem that arises in the realization of these compositions is to create the different levels without excessively burdening the load-bearing structures. Of course, the existing structure had limited possibilities to be further loaded and therefore the use of Iglu’® Green Roof and the Atlantis System was the ideal solution to the problem. In fact, thanks to the Iglu’® Green Roof and the Atlantis System it was possible to create spaces at different levels quickly, easily and absolutely economically.
Daliform Group has always been concerned with providing innovative solutions in the construction field that are oriented towards environmental protection and energy saving. The Iglu’® and Atlantis systems, based on disposable formworks in 100% recycled polypropylene, initially created to create ventilated crawl spaces and cavities, over time have found increasingly widespread use in other fields of application such as: recovery and collection of rainwater, cycle paths and greenhouses, anti-root applications, roofs and hanging gardens, geothermal energy and heat recovery.

Fight against the capillary rising moisture with IGLU’®

Iglu’® is the leading market product, created and patented for the realization of sanitary spaces, ventilated cavities, under-floor cavities, ventilated floors and roofs during the construction and renovation of civil and industrial buildings.

The ventilated cavity, realized with Iglu’®, is an effective solution to the problem of rising moisture on the flooring, because the under-floor cavity’s ventilation placed under the floor, dries it naturally. Thanks to the cavity, the building can breathe, by constantly eliminating the moisture: this technique was born already at the time of the ancient Romans.
To guarantee an appropriate ventilation, both in renovation and in new buildings, the connection of the ventilated cavity to the outside with simple pipes is necessary.
As a matter of fact, to obtain a natural «chimney effect» is necessary to position the inlet holes on the northern side at a height just off the ground and the outlet holes on the southern side at a higher point (preferably up to the roof), being careful to connect the various rooms of the foundation grid together so that the entire under-floor cavity is connected. The ducts positioned inside the wall with southern exposure will heat up, causing an upward motion intaking air from the under-floor cavity.

A ventilated under-floor cavity created with Iglu’® represents an effective, quick and economic solution that makes it possible to send humidity and dangerous Radon gas to the atmosphere, which is beneficial to our health.

Tanques para recolección y dispersión de agua de lluvia

Atlantis System by Daliform Group is the ideal solution to create tanks for rainwater collection and/or dispersion.

The tanks for rainwater collection and dispersion are installations suitable to collect rainfall peaks, allowing sewage and water treatment plants to work at the most constant regime with unquestionable economic benefits and operating efficiency, even in peak load situationsz

Atlantis System by Daliform Group is the ideal solution to create tanks for rainwater collection and/or dispersion.
Atlantis permits the creation of a reinforced concrete tank, cast directly on site, with various dimensions in plan and height up to 300 cm to maximize the volume. The structure obtained thanks to Atlantis System is made by a slab on grade, perimeter walls and a slab supported by vertical supports. The structure guarantees a high resistance to permanent and imposed loads.

The tank created with Atlantis System by Daliform Group can be laid underground to obtain a green area above it, or made it suitable for the transit of even heavy vehicles.
The created tank is vehicle accessible and can be created under squares, roads and car parks, both commercial and industrial. The tank aims to mitigate the effect “flood” caused by exceptional weather conditions.
This way, the draining capacity, which the cement had previously taken away, is returned to the soil without any visual or environmental impact.

Protecting the road pavement from trees’ roots

Trees’ roots often represent a problem for sidewalks, bike paths and roads. By creating a cavity with the Atlantis System, below the road pavement, the roots are prevented from breaking the overlying pavement.

Urban greenery has become an indispensable aspect for improving the quality of life and making cities more vibrant and colourful.
Often, however, the green is simply inserted to the side of roads, on sidewalks or bicycle paths. Maintenance work must be carried out regularly as the tree roots raise the pavement until breaking through and then going back underground, following a horizontal path.

The Atlantis System, born to create ventilated cavities, can easily solve these problems because, thanks to the cavity created by itself, allows roots to grow in their natural way, without damaging the overlaying pavement.
This System by Daliform Group, avoids the constipation of the terrain for the creation of the pavement and allows the realization of a cavity that facilitates gas exchange and tree stability, preventing the lifting of the soil.

There are many advantages for the community: no maintenance costs for the sidewalk/bike path; greater “satisfaction” for residents who will not complain about damaged pavements; fewer accidents involving the elderly or people with limited motor skills; the public green area can be designed to support any vehicular traffic.

There are many advantages for the greenery: creation of a greater volume for the expansion of the roots with a consequent increase of the tree stability; greater drainage of rainwater; integrable with irrigation systems or with tanks for the reuse of rainwater; no lifting of the soil as the roots, finding the right oxygenation and the right compaction, do not need to emerge.

Improving the seismic response of buildings thanks to the lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton

When you erect new buildings, the structures have to be designed to resist to seismic stress, as prescribed by the anti-seismic standards.

Daliform Group, Company that has always been outstanding for its capacity to create new innovative products, has developed seismically efficient building solutions: putting some hollow elements in recycled Polypropylene, called U-Boot® Beton, in horizontal structures to optimize the distribution of the concrete masses, thus reducing the quantity used.

In this way, you obtain the additional advantage of saving steel for the reinforcement: with the same thickness compared to a monolithic slab, with U-Boot® Beton you get a weight reduction of up to 40%. This has a positive effect on the rest of the structure thanks to the reduction of seismic and gravitational actions.

All this leads to larger structural meshes, absence of emerging beams, more flexible spaces and more adaptable environments over time.

U-Boot® Beton replaces the obsolete and problematic traditional lightening systems in polystyrene and brick, ensuring superior structural performances, high quality standards of the slab and a perfect and homogeneous intrados finish, allowing to satisfy even the architectural needs.

U-Boot® Beton guarantees excellent performances even when used for structures to be built in the most demanding seismic areas.