The U-Boot® Beton of Daliform Group for the Mall of Sousse – Tunisia

Once it is over, it will be the greatest shopping centre in Tunisia: we are talking about the “Mall of Sousse”.

A really prestigious project, in which Daliform Group is protagonist with the great supply of U-Boot® Beton for the realisation of 65.000 sqm of slab. The system was chosen by one of the most important design studio in Tunis, for its countless advantages. First of all, the opportunity to obtain performing slab structures, with important savings on concrete if compared to a full slab of the same thickness. This saving corresponds to a reduction in the self-weight of the slabs, a significant decrease in the incidence of steel reinforcement and the optimization of the elevation structures (pillars, columns, shear-walls) and foundation structures.

The first stone was laid by the Tunisian Republic’s President on October 4, 2017 and the works are going on very well now; the shopping center will be probably open to the public at the beginning of 2019. People will find about 120 shops, a big supermarket, a cinema, a great restaurant area and much more.

Daliform Group for «Setti» Square in Treviglio – Bergamo (Italy)



«A real “living room” in the city center, complete with underground parking»: this is the beginning of the article’s subheading on the “Eco” of Bergamo of May 19th, which introduces the new “Setti” Square in Treviglio (Bergamo) – Italy.

This is a really important project above all for its values of union, conviviality and security, in wich Daliform Group had part in the realization of the underground parking with 2 floors, where we can find 219 car parks.

The product employed is U-Boot® Beton. Thanks to it, it was possible to maximized the potential of lightened slabs in order to obtain large spans between the vertical structures.

In this way it was possible to create more spacious areas and obtain the largest number of parking places possible, and at the same time guaranteeing excellent performance in terms of fire resistance.

To find out more about the advantages of our product click here.

Daliform Group at “ The Big 5 Heavy” 2018

On Wednesday 28 March the first edition of Dubai’s «The Big 5 Heavy» 2018, in which Daliform Group exhibited its constructive solutions, ended. For the first time the Middle East Concrete, the PMV Live, the Foundation and Geotechnical, the Mining and Quarrying and the Road Construction sectors have been divided from the main event “The Big 5” which took place in November 2017, creating a total dedicated exhibition, in which the exhibitors had the opportunity to meet a high number of solely dedicated customers.

Photo of the previous edition:

Renovado el rating de legalidad para Daliform Group

Miércoles 31 Enero 2018, la Autoridad Garante para la Concurrencia y el Mercado ha renovado el certificado de rating de legalidad a Daliform Group, quiere decir el certificado para las empresas virtuosas, con una puntuación de dos estrellas y un +.
Otro resultado importante para la empresa, que siempre se ha comprometido a respetar los valores de legalidad y transparencia del trabajo.

CSTB renewed Avis Technique

Once again, Daliform Group is proud to communicate that, after some laboratory tests and inspections, the certification AVIS TECHNIQUE has been renewed for the products Iglu’® and Iglu’® Plus.

U-Boot® Beton Design Software is online

U-Boot® Beton Design Software is online: it is the ideal tool for designing of voided slabs without drop panels or drop beams.

The software meets all the needs of designers who deal with the study of the voided slabs with the U-Boot® Beton system of Daliform Group, providing them with all the necessary data to properly carry out the structural analysis of the slab designing:

– the geometric and inertial characteristics of the resistant cross-section;
– inertia and weight modifiers to consider in FEM Analysis for «plate» elements of the same thickness;
– resistant moment and shear resistant values;
– detailed and complete CAD cross sections which report all the information implemented by the user;
– a comprehensive report of all input and output data.

The Software is available here.

New partnership for Daliform Group

The first part of the procedure that will give rise to the official subscription in next June of the “Exclusive partnership agreement” with Nobon Group Company represented by CEO Mr. Alireza Sha’bani was concluded on 7 April 2017.
The company is the sole authorized firm to produce Daliform Group’s items in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Daliform Group’s network of international partners has therefore increased.

Thanks to Nobon Group, it will be possible to promote more efficiently products such as Iglù®, U-Boot®, Atlantis, U-Bahn®, Pratopratico®, etc. and guarantee a high level of services pre and after-sales in a very important Country, which aims to recover the market share lost during the years of embargo.
A Country characterized by high growth rates, with 80 million of citizens, that suggests itself as distributive hub and leading role on the world stage.


On Thursday, 19th January 2017, Proetica – an Association of Unindustria Treviso and Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti Treviso, organized the meeting Gli strumenti ‘premiali’ di legalità e trasparenza in which the CEO of Daliform Group, Mr. Albertini Antimo Riccardo, was invited to participate.

Other speakers present:

Anna Daniele, CEO of E.Ma.Price in Possagno,
Filippo Antonello, Sole Director of Vidori Servizi Ambientali in Vidor,
Silvia Crosato, head of HR, Legal and Commercial department of Contarina.

The meeting was useful for to the richness of company’s witnesses in which there emerged approaches and reasons even significantly different that motivated the companies to get their Legality Rating issued by the Italian Competition Authority.

The Rating is part of those proactive tools introduced some years ago, such as the white lists handled by the Prefectures and, more recently, the company’s rating in the new discipline of public procurement, which aim is to highlight and reward the companies which demonstrate to act in compliance with the rules.

So not only the classic action of illegal phenomena’s suppression, but also reward tools to better stimulate and encourage virtuous and transparent company’s behaviours against the culture of illegality.

Daliform Group, «checkmate» to patent violation


The appointed judge Dr. Martina Gasparini following the appeal for sequestration and inhibitory description, ex artt. 129, 131 and 134 c.p.i., 669 bis and ss. 670 c.p.c. proposed by TPS Srl and Daliform Group Srl ordered, towards SPIDERPLAST Srl, the injunction to produce, use and / or market and / or advertise in any form and manner, in any sales channel, including Internet, trade fairs , and in any other commercial seat, of all kinds of formwork at adjustable heights called GOLIATH or otherwise entitled in counterfeiting of the title of property indicated in the appeal;

The fine of € 500.00 was set for each violation or day of delay in the execution of the provisions;

The order was issued for the publication once, in double-normal characters, by the applicant and at the expense of the defendant, with the right of reimbursement of the invoices, in the newspaper Corriere della Sera and Gazzettino national editions;

The companies SPIDERPLAST Srl and GEOPLAST Spa were jointly and severally liable to pay the costs of the proceedings.

Patentes violadas, Daliform Group gana la acción

Victoria en tribunal para la Daliform Group y la T.P.S. que a más de la necesidad de defender sus proprios monopolios en ámbito internacional, se han visto forjar sus proprios productos por parte de empresas de ITALIANAS.

Después de un conflicto durado seis años, el Tribunal de Venecia – Sección especializada en materia de Empresa – condenó las empresas GEOPLAST S.p.A. y GRANPLAST 2001 Srl, ambas de Grantorto, a indemnizar más de un millón y medio de euro, comprensivo de penales y pago de costos/gastos.

Ya en marzo 2011 se habían emitidas medidas cautelares e inibitorias contra los productos ELEVETOR y NAUTILUS y después, en septiembre 2013, contra el producto NAUTILUS EVO, todos de la Geoplast Spa, porque considerados en contrahectura de las patentes correspondientes a los sistemas ATLANTIS y U-BOOT® BETON, o sea dos entre los productos de mayor éxito de la DALIFORM GROUP y apreciados por parte de archistars como Renzo Piano, Paolo Portoghesi, Mario Botta, Zara Hadid, Libeskind, Arata Isozaki, Jean Nouvel y muchos más… .

La sentencia fue publicada (por extracto) el 29 Septiembre 2016 en el Corriere della Sera y el 30 Septiembre 2016 en el Il Sole 24ORE – en cumplimiento de lo que fue dispuesto por parte del mismo Tribunal.