Lightened mixed slabs
Fit Slab is a formwork made of polypropylene; its principal function is lightening and, when used in conjunction with prefabricated beams made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete, or lattices or directly on prefabricated lattice slabs, it enables the construction of various types of voided slabs made of reinforced concrete, with extremely quick installation in both reconstructions and new buildings.

This construction technique is quick and practical and yields a higher-performance slab with a lower structural weight compared to that of floor slabs made using conventional methods such as hollow bricks or voided reinforced concrete.

The use of Fit Slab leads to a significant reduction in the loads on the framework and elevated load-bearing walls as well as foundations. In addition, seismic activity which the slab transmits to the elevated structures are reduced in proportion to the weight of the slab.
By taking advantage of the void below the Fit Slab modules, it is possible to install both transverse and longitudinal ducts, which are useful for the passage of electrical, water, heating installations.


  • Optimal mechanical strength properties;
  • Reduction in costs for the construction of temporary retaining structures.
  • Easily interlocking modules reduce laying time and cost. A team of three men can lay up to 200 square metres of slabs per day.
  • Flexible implementation, practical and simple to scale down both lengthwise and width-wise.
  • Reduction of seismic masses to enhance structural safety.
  • Economical and practical in terms of transportation, handling and outside storage.
  • Gives the slab the best fire resistance properties. For use in public buildings without false ceilings, it can be produced in the Class 1 and 0 versions by specific request.
  • The void below the Fit Slab modules enables the passage of electrical, water and heating installations.
  • Better site clean up and waste disposal compared to conventional lightening measures (hollow bricks and EPS).
  • On-site safety. With the slab shored up at the beams, Fit Slab supports the weight of the workers and the reinforced concrete.
  • Underfoot safety for workers. Eliminates risk of collapse or falls resulting from the fragility of the hollow brick.
  • Option of covering floor plans with articulated forms.

Fit Slab has excellent mechanical strength and solidity properties and is designed so that the formworks interlock with each other.
Fit Slab is designed so that, if necessary, it can easily be cut lengthwise or width-wise.


Fit Slab facilitates the implementation of:

  • Voided slabs with prefabricated beams made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete or lattices (Bausta);
  • Voided slabs with plates made of reinforced concrete (prefabricated lattice slabs);
  • Voided slabs made of reinforced concrete cast in situ with parallel or cross-hatched ribbing;

For both for reconstruction and new buildings, in both civil and in industrial environments.

Fit Slab can also be used in seismic risk areas; in fact, the upper reinforced-concrete finishing slab can serve the purpose of a “plane diaphragm”, ensuring the complete transmission of horizontal forces to the primary anti-seismic system.


FIT SLAB H 9 cm H 14 cm
Lenght L1 cm 79,7 79,7
Lenght L2 cm 77,5 77,5
Width W1 cm 56 56
Width W2 cm 52 52
Weight of the piece kg 1,911 1,995
Volume of the piece m3 0,0326 0,0500
Pallet dimensions cm 120 x 80 x 244 120 x 80 x 249
Pallet units pcs/PAL 200 200
Pallet weight kg/PAL 390 407


  • Prepare the props to support the beams and position the lattice beams according to the plan At first, the beams must be distanced from each other by placing Fit Slab modules at the two ends in order to achieve the correct degree of parallelism between them.
  • Once the beams are in place, the operator, positioned at one of the ends, gradually inserts the Fit Slab modules, interlocking them with each other, one after the other, sliding them in until the row is finished.
    The Fit Slab module can be easily adapted to smaller measurements by cutting it both lengthwise and width-wise, until the surface is completed.
  • Close the two ends of each row by inserting the “abutment” closure element to prevent the overflow of concrete during the casting phase.
  • After installing the modules, one on top of the other, put a suitable electro-welded mesh in place. If required by the project, both thermal and acoustic insulating materials can be inserted into the stratigraphy of the slab.
  • Proceed with the casting of the reinforced concrete cap. Unlike bricks, the Fit Slab formworks do not need to be wetted before casting; as they are waterproof, they do not absorb the mix water for the reinforced concrete.
    Begin casting by first filling the beams, the full fascia and the kerbs and continuing with the ribbing and upper slab, avoiding any interruption of the casting.
    The class and consistency of the reinforced concrete used must fulfil the technical specifications established in the design and must be adequately vibrated.
  • After the appropriate curing time for the reinforced concrete has passed, the support structure can be disarmed. The intrados of the slab 6 should be closed after the technological systems have been passed through.
    Closure can be performed with a suspended plasterboard ceiling or with other types.


”ABUTMENT” closure accessory

Placed at the beginning and at the end of each row, acts as a “closing gable” and facilitates the casting of the upper cap of concrete without it overflowing and pouring out of the formworks.