Paul Biya Stadium (even known as Olembe Stadium) is a sport facility in Yaoundé, in Cameroon, for whose construction, some innovative materials and solutions, such as Iglu’® by Daliform Group, were chosen.
With its 60,000 seats, Paul Biya Stadium aims to become the new landmark of the Cameroonian capital.
Iglu’® was chosen and used to create ramps, steps, structural fillings and height compensations.
The quality of the used recycled material, its particular geometric conformation, the thickness, the product’s dimension and the processing techniques make Iglu’®, by Daliform Group, the excellence product on the worldwide market.
Numerous national and international awards have been received over the years which testify to the rich and appreciated contribution that Iglu’® has managed to give to the world of construction.
Daliform Group, structural lightness for the new Bocconi Campus
The recent expansion of Bocconi University Campus in Milan occupies, in the south of the historic campus, the zone “Ex Centrale del Latte”, a site that covers an area of 36.000 square meters.
The new university campus, headquarter of the SDA Bocconi School of Management, includes a series of buildings surrounded by a green area that serves as connection with the rest of the campus and the city. University residences, classrooms and rooms for teaching and research stand alongside a sport and leisure centre – with an Olympic-size swimming pool – open to public.
The typical sinuous volumes of SANAA are connected by covered paths that cross the park; there are no main façades, but a flow of semi-transparent surfaces allowing a glimpse of the activities taking place within the university spaces.
All the buildings open onto the green internal courtyards, which, thanks to the fully glazed façades, allow the interiors to benefit from a consistent supply of natural light.
The request of the architectural design was to create slabs without down stand beam and with smooth soffit.
From the structural point of view it was required a type of slab that would permit to obtain a light, but at the same time resistant, structure with low deformability, given the presence of flat and curved glass in the external façades.
Daliform Group, that has always stood out for the ability to create innovative products for buildings, recommended then its product U-Boot® Beton: a disposable formwork in recycled polypropylene, studied to create lightened bidirectional slabs in reinforced concrete, cast on site, with perfectly smooth soffit, even exposed.
With the integration of U-Boot® Beton system by Daliform Group on the project, it was possible to create structures that perfectly responded to all the requested performances; the lightened system is flexible and fits into the curvilinear plans with irregular layout of the vertical bearing elements.
The use of U-Boot® Beton permits to obtain several advantages on the entire structure (even in the case of variants): less use of steel in the slabs on average 15%, pillars and foundation on average 20%; less concrete on the slabs (on average 25%) but even on columns and foundations, even if modest; reduction of the seismic and gravitational actions connected to reduced building weight; slimmer pillars and foundations; lower costs related to excavation for foundations; more freedom on the layout, even irregular, of the pillars for the benefit of the architectural quality of the project; reduction of work and overhead transfer of the formworks; advantages in on-site logistics.
The Daliform Group technical office is available to provide to designers specific technical information, feasibility studies and assistance in the executive design. ( – Tel. +39 0422 2083)
Effective ventilation for the “Nuvola” by Fuksas
The “Nuvola” by Fuksas, in the Eur district in Rome, is a work of great architectural impact for which innovative materials and solutions have been chosen and applied, including Iglu’® by Daliform Group.
The “Nuvola” by Fuksas, in the Eur district in Rome, has been the main centre of the G20 summit recently held in Rome.
The project signed by the well-known Roman architect is a jewel of architecture and engineering, which combines the capital’s historical and Baroque core with the district’s rationalist approach, through innovative solutions, an environmentally compatible approach and technologically advanced materials.
It is a work of great architectural impact for which innovative materials and solutions have been chosen and applied, including Iglu’® by Daliform Group.
The Iglu’® disposable formwork is a revolutionary system for creating cavities in general, crawl spaces and ventilated floors.
The formworks, made of recycled and recyclable plastic material, thanks to their easy interlocking installation, allow the quick creation of a self-supporting pedestrian platform, above which a layer of concrete is cast. The cavity thus obtained will have a spherical shape and, with the connections outside the building, will allow a maximum ventilation. In addition to creating a “sanitary vacuum” with an adequate vapor barrier for the floor, Iglu’® promotes the disposal of natural radioactive gases emanating from the ground, in particular radon gas.
The peculiar characteristics of Iglu’® are rationality, ease of processing and above all the speed and simplicity of installation. The created cavity also allows the insertion of technological networks without drowning them in the base screed of the flooring, ensuring the possibility of inspection and integration with additional systems that may be necessary over time.
Daliform Group continues its research and technological development activities according to the guidelines that have determined its success: simplicity, rationality, economy. This study and experimentation activity has created a series of new components that complete the product range, increasing its application possibilities.
Post-tensioned and lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton for the multi-level parking in Reims
To improve the slabs’ performances, minimizing labour costs and raw materials used, the lightening system U-Boot® Beton has been included on the project for the realization of lightened slabs coupled with a post-tension system.
The multi-level car park “Republique” in Reims, finished in October 2020 and built of reinforced concrete, has a capacity of 745 parks reachable via ramps that allow access to vehicles up to the roof.
In order to optimize the inner spaces of circulation and to add two rows of car parks, the project had to be realized with 16 m large spans. The designers decided to use lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton in reinforced concrete coupled with a post-tension system. The presence of the two technologies made it possible to achieve the goal and create the slabs without building pillars in the central areas and thus maintain the project spans of 16 m.
Daliform Group company supplied the elements U-Boot® Beton, that installed as disposable formworks directly on the horizontal shuttering, create the voids inside the slab.
Due to the lay in rows, they create ribs all along the slab length, where sheathed and greased prestressing strands and passive steel are laid. As the consequence, the prestressing steel benefits from the maximum possible lever arm for 40 cm of slab thickness, while the slab weight is considerably lightened.
Once again, the use of U-Boot® Beton has proven to be the ideal technological solution for the realization of a work that needs great spans and great architectural freedom, which allows to use the inner spaces on the best way. In addition, the reduction of the overall load of the structure has allowed an important optimization of the vertical bearing structures and foundation structures.
Tour TRINITY – A new outstanding project in Paris
Outstanding project of a new tower under construction in La Défense, by the Bateg, GTM Bâtiment and Sogea TPI Companies of the Vinci Group. The name of the building is Tour Trinity. Works started in 2016 and they will end in the second semester of 2019. The architectural project is by Crochon Brullmann + Associés.
It is a 33-storey skyscraper with a total height of 140 m and an area of 49,000 m2 for offices, shops and restaurants. The structure is made entirely of steel with a reinforced concrete central core, the floors are made by using concrete on corrugated sheet.
The need to minimize as much as possible the incidence of floor overloads inevitably led to the Iglù® System solution, widely used at various levels. Iglù® System was used to compensate design height differences in floor levels without overloading the floors themselves too much. This has also made it possible to optimize the loads on foundation, a fundamental aspect in the design of tower buildings.
Espace Tourbillon – the future of Geneva
Daliform Group has started a very prestigious project in Geneva, more exactly in Plan-les-Ouates.
We are talking about Espace Tourbillon, a 95.000 smq complex that includes the construction of 5 buildings to host offices, apartments, restaurants, shops, storage areas and various public spaces. Furthermore, the tramway line will be ended in 2019 and guarantee a direct connection with the city’s key points.
All the above-ground slabs – around 85.000 smq – are under construction with our system U-Boot® Beton, preferred to other solutions of lightened slabs, for its versatility, easy installation and storage: an essential advantage if you think about the organization of the goods in a so great building site, located in a high urbanized area.
The end of the works is expected for 2021 and Espace Tourbillon is expected to bring economic and commercial benefits to the city and the entire Switzerland.
Tour DUO: another important goal for the Company
Image © Ateliers Jean Nouvel
They are two towers, designed by the great French architect Jean Nouvel to give an unrivalled level of comfort and to develop new ways of working; located on the railway station’s quarter of the 13th arrondissement of Paris, they will reach a significant height of 180 and 122 meters, accommodating respectively 39 and 29 floors.
Daliform Group supplied 2.500 sqm of Iglù® Plus for the treatment of the polluted soil and for the realisation of refills on the foundation floor, facilitating the passage of utilities, with the purpose of improving the organisation of the available spaces.
The works started in late March 2017 and are expected to end in 2020, when Parisians and non-Parisians, could benefit from new offices, shops, restaurants and a luxury hotel.
The U-Boot® Beton of Daliform Group for the Mall of Sousse – Tunisia
Once it is over, it will be the greatest shopping centre in Tunisia: we are talking about the “Mall of Sousse”.
A really prestigious project, in which Daliform Group is protagonist with the great supply of U-Boot® Beton for the realisation of 65.000 sqm of slab. The system was chosen by one of the most important design studio in Tunis, for its countless advantages. First of all, the opportunity to obtain performing slab structures, with important savings on concrete if compared to a full slab of the same thickness. This saving corresponds to a reduction in the self-weight of the slabs, a significant decrease in the incidence of steel reinforcement and the optimization of the elevation structures (pillars, columns, shear-walls) and foundation structures.
The first stone was laid by the Tunisian Republic’s President on October 4, 2017 and the works are going on very well now; the shopping center will be probably open to the public at the beginning of 2019. People will find about 120 shops, a big supermarket, a cinema, a great restaurant area and much more.
- Struttura alleggerita con U-Boot® Beton di Daliform Group che crea un solaio a graticcio
Daliform Group for “Setti” Square in Treviglio – Bergamo (Italy)
«A real “living room” in the city center, complete with underground parking»: this is the beginning of the article’s subheading on the “Eco” of Bergamo of May 19th, which introduces the new “Setti” Square in Treviglio (Bergamo) – Italy.
This is a really important project above all for its values of union, conviviality and security, in wich Daliform Group had part in the realization of the underground parking with 2 floors, where we can find 219 car parks.
The product employed is U-Boot® Beton. Thanks to it, it was possible to maximized the potential of lightened slabs in order to obtain large spans between the vertical structures.
In this way it was possible to create more spacious areas and obtain the largest number of parking places possible, and at the same time guaranteeing excellent performance in terms of fire resistance.
To find out more about the advantages of our product click here.
Daliform Group for the project of raising the industrial floor of the largest airport in the world
Daliform Group, leader company in creating and manufacturing plastic products for the construction industry, closes the deal with “IGA” and wins an ultra-millionaire supply for the largest airport hub in the world in the nearby of Istanbul.
Dr. Antimo Riccardo Albertini, the president of Daliform Group, signed the agreement directly with “Istanbul Grand Airport”, the consortium composed by five Turkish contractor-leaders, concessionaire for the construction and management of the New Airport of Istanbul, for the first supply of 186.000 sm of own building system “Atlantis”, a variant of the more known “Iglù®”, to create a remarkable raised industrial floor of the building air terminal.
IGA chose for the majestic project the product Daliform, after an articulate negotiation, as able to solve various and complicated structural problems thanks to the quality and versatility of the system as well as the excellent engineering team of the company.
“It is a source of great pride for us” explain Dr. Albertini “to contribute to the construction of the largest and most modern airport in the world. This record demonstrates the value of excellence of Italian companies and confirms the rewarding strategic choices, result of hard work and far from easy. This is merely the latest of many international projects gained by the company and it confirms the role of esteemed supplier & partner for innovation, products value and high proficiency of our engineers”.
Daliform Group has ever promoted innovative construction systems of great success with official recognitions all around the world. During the years, several famous architects’ works benefited from Daliform’s products. Just to mention some well-know personalities: Renzo Piano, Paolo Portoghesi, Mario Botta, Zaha Hadid, Libeskind, Arata Isozaki, Jean Nouvel, … and many others.
The importance of this project, for the global aviation and the whole economy in Turkey is of the utmost relevance. The new airport will firstly have a capacity of 90 million passengers per year and will be built in the European part of the city at 35 Kilometers from the centre, near to the Black Sea. Once all the expansion phases of the stopover will be completed, the airport, with its six airstrips and three terminals, will be able to guarantee air travel to 200 million passengers.