Violated patents, Daliform Group wins the case

Victory in the court for Daliform Group and T.P.S., that in addition to the need of difending their own patent rights in the International branch, they have seen their products forged by Italian companies.

After a grievance, which lasted six years, the Court of Venice – specialized Section in the business field – sentenced the companies GEOPLAST S.p.A. and GRANPLAST 2001 Srl, both coming from Grantorto, to compensate more than one million and a half Euro, inclusive of penalties and compensation of costs/expenses.

Already in March 2011 had been issued precautionary and restrictive injunctions against the products ELEVETOR and NAUTILUS and afterwards, in September 2013, against the product NAUTILUS EVO, all of Geoplast Spa, because they were considered in forgery of the patents corresponding to our systems ATLANTIS and U-BOOT® BETON, that is to say two among the most successful products of DALIFORM GROUP and appreciated by very important stars, as Renzo Piano, Paolo Portoghesi, Mario Botta, Zara Hadid, Libeskind, Arata Isozaki, Jean Nouvel and many others… .

The sentence was issued (per extract) on September, 29th 2016, by Corriere della Sera and on September, 30th 2016 by Il Sole 24ORE – in compliance with what ordered by the same Court.

The new website is now online

Completely renewed in the graphic, contents and information potentialities, the new DALIFORM GROUP’s website is now online, characterized by a modern and functional layout available to any device.

The website is born with the desire to provide the user with a greater knowledge and awareness of the potentialities of Daliform group’s products and of the extent of their applications in the construction industry.

Rigorously in 12 languages, the new layout appears complete with sections easy to surf, rich of information to be closer to all stakeholders’ needs.

Daliform Group for the project of raising the industrial floor of the largest airport in the world

Daliform Group, leader company in creating and manufacturing plastic products for the construction industry, closes the deal with “IGA” and wins an ultra-millionaire supply for the largest airport hub in the world in the nearby of Istanbul.

Dr. Antimo Riccardo Albertini, the president of Daliform Group, signed the agreement directly with “Istanbul Grand Airport”, the consortium composed by five Turkish contractor-leaders, concessionaire for the construction and management of the New Airport of Istanbul, for the first supply of 186.000 sm of own building system “Atlantis”, a variant of the more known “Iglù®”, to create a remarkable raised industrial floor of the building air terminal.

IGA chose for the majestic project the product Daliform, after an articulate negotiation, as able to solve various and complicated structural problems thanks to the quality and versatility of the system as well as the excellent engineering team of the company.

“It is a source of great pride for us” explain Dr. Albertini “to contribute to the construction of the largest and most modern airport in the world. This record demonstrates the value of excellence of Italian companies and confirms the rewarding strategic choices, result of hard work and far from easy. This is merely the latest of many international projects gained by the company and it confirms the role of esteemed supplier & partner for innovation, products value and high proficiency of our engineers”.

Daliform Group has ever promoted innovative construction systems of great success with official recognitions all around the world. During the years, several famous architects’ works benefited from Daliform’s products. Just to mention some well-know personalities: Renzo Piano, Paolo Portoghesi, Mario Botta, Zaha Hadid, Libeskind, Arata Isozaki, Jean Nouvel, … and many others.

The importance of this project, for the global aviation and the whole economy in Turkey is of the utmost relevance. The new airport will firstly have a capacity of 90 million passengers per year and will be built in the European part of the city at 35 Kilometers from the centre, near to the Black Sea. Once all the expansion phases of the stopover will be completed, the airport, with its six airstrips and three terminals, will be able to guarantee air travel to 200 million passengers.

Daliform Group achieved the legality’s rating

On 22nd December, 2015 Daliform Group achieved the certification of legality’s rating, that is to say the certification for the virtuous companies, issued by the Antitrust Authority, with a score of two stars and one +. Moreover, it took part in the list of the transparent companies. This important result for Daliform Group, shows the attention’s level which characterizes the company, in the correct management of its own business, in full compliance with values of legality, transparence and job’s dignity.

Published the first technical textbook on the two-way voided slabs with U-Boot® Beton system

At the conclusion of a project developed in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano started in 2013, Daliform Group is proud to announce the publication of an important technical textbook titled:
“Analysis and design of reinforced concrete voided slabs also subject to seismic actions. Using the U-Boot® Beton System”.

The book, published by Dario Flaccovio, is a practical technical manual addressed to all the consultants of the building sector that would like to learn more about the use of two-way voided slabs.

The study includes the results of an extensive experimental program conducted at the Polytechnic of Milan, which highlight the excellent bidirectional response of voided slabs and the efficient performance in the presence of seismic actions. The experimental results here presented are supported by advanced numerical models.

Overall, the results derived from physical and numerical experimentation form a solid basis for the understanding and design of voided slab systems for gravity and seismic loads.

The current trend for slabs: a bidirectional bearing cast in site

Advantages and rationalization of the construction yard.

The conference, organized by DALIFORM GROUP in collaboration with PERI and FAVERO & MILAN Engineering, took place on the 30th November 2012.
“THE CURRENT TREND FOR SLABS: A BIDIRECTIONAL BEARING CAST IN SITE. Advantages and rationalization of the construction yard.”

Great success for U-Boot® Beton, for lightened slabs and rafts.

PMI DAY 2012 – Industriamoci!

The small and medium concern is became leading with the 3rd edition of Pmi Day, national day of the small and medium concern forwarded by Confindustria to promote the merit and competences presents in the small and medium companies as essential property for the economy of the Country. 
Daliform Group has promoted this initiative, choosing students’ school “J. SANSOVINO” of Oderzo to show them its activity, its competences and to share the importance of productive world. This initiative has been a good opportunity for Daliform Group to tell its story and its specifity, while for the students has been an opportunity for a contact with work world, to imagine a possible future in a small/medium company.

Daliform Group among the finalists of the Gaia 2012 – Dubai EAU

Despite the difficult economic situation, both nationally both internationally, Daliform Group is giving many signs of growththanks to innovation, internationalization, research and attentionto environmental protection.

The continuous search fornew solutions in buildings,have enabled to Daliform Group to recordnumerous awards.

 As evidenceof this growth, Daliform Group was included in the”short list”of the award “Gaia Awards 2012″, an award that is given annually during the exhibition BIG5 in Dubai for companies that turn their attention to the creation of products for buildings, careful to protect the environmentand therefore ableto anticipate thetrends in amore sustainablelivingto give a future to all.

Daliform Group the company that distinguish itself

At the “BalticBuild”, important fair (constructions) in St. Petersburg RU, Daliform Group srl situated in Gorgo al Monticano distinguished itself again for the creativeness of construction advance solutions, winning the competition “INNOVATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION 2012” with its U-Boot® Beton system. It’s a solution for “bidirectional static honeycomb plates” creation that offers economic, structural and architectural benefits above all for hospitals, schools, multistorey parkings, commercial centers and residential buildings. Latest foreign orders for this system patented by Daliform Group srl, arrived from the far Vietnam and from the nearest France, where the new commercial center Auchan is in progress, at north of Paris.

The St. Petersburg’s recognition arrive after few months from the award “Città Impresa – 1000 fabbricatori di idee” for the entrepreneurs nord-est that distinguish themselves for ideas, creativities, innovation and tenability, to win the competitive challenge. The company, well-know in the building world to the invention of its excellent product “IGLU’®”, it’s clear evidence of how it is possible resist or mitigate the effects of economic crisis that is testing hard the whole industry. “It does not make sense trying to stop the river flood, but we need to learn to swim in the current direction, this is the through of the company.

Innovation, specialization and internazionalization are the ingredients chosen by Daliform Group with success in the future.