Protecting the road pavement from trees’ roots

Trees’ roots often represent a problem for sidewalks, bike paths and roads. By creating a cavity with the Atlantis System, below the road pavement, the roots are prevented from breaking the overlying pavement.

Urban greenery has become an indispensable aspect for improving the quality of life and making cities more vibrant and colourful.
Often, however, the green is simply inserted to the side of roads, on sidewalks or bicycle paths. Maintenance work must be carried out regularly as the tree roots raise the pavement until breaking through and then going back underground, following a horizontal path.

The Atlantis System, born to create ventilated cavities, can easily solve these problems because, thanks to the cavity created by itself, allows roots to grow in their natural way, without damaging the overlaying pavement.
This System by Daliform Group, avoids the constipation of the terrain for the creation of the pavement and allows the realization of a cavity that facilitates gas exchange and tree stability, preventing the lifting of the soil.

There are many advantages for the community: no maintenance costs for the sidewalk/bike path; greater “satisfaction” for residents who will not complain about damaged pavements; fewer accidents involving the elderly or people with limited motor skills; the public green area can be designed to support any vehicular traffic.

There are many advantages for the greenery: creation of a greater volume for the expansion of the roots with a consequent increase of the tree stability; greater drainage of rainwater; integrable with irrigation systems or with tanks for the reuse of rainwater; no lifting of the soil as the roots, finding the right oxygenation and the right compaction, do not need to emerge.

Improving the seismic response of buildings thanks to the lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton

When you erect new buildings, the structures have to be designed to resist to seismic stress, as prescribed by the anti-seismic standards.

Daliform Group, Company that has always been outstanding for its capacity to create new innovative products, has developed seismically efficient building solutions: putting some hollow elements in recycled Polypropylene, called U-Boot® Beton, in horizontal structures to optimize the distribution of the concrete masses, thus reducing the quantity used.

In this way, you obtain the additional advantage of saving steel for the reinforcement: with the same thickness compared to a monolithic slab, with U-Boot® Beton you get a weight reduction of up to 40%. This has a positive effect on the rest of the structure thanks to the reduction of seismic and gravitational actions.

All this leads to larger structural meshes, absence of emerging beams, more flexible spaces and more adaptable environments over time.

U-Boot® Beton replaces the obsolete and problematic traditional lightening systems in polystyrene and brick, ensuring superior structural performances, high quality standards of the slab and a perfect and homogeneous intrados finish, allowing to satisfy even the architectural needs.

U-Boot® Beton guarantees excellent performances even when used for structures to be built in the most demanding seismic areas.

Post-tensioned and lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton for the multi-level parking in Reims

To improve the slabs’ performances, minimizing labour costs and raw materials used, the lightening system U-Boot® Beton has been included on the project for the realization of lightened slabs coupled with a post-tension system.

The multi-level car park “Republique” in Reims, finished in October 2020 and built of reinforced concrete, has a capacity of 745 parks reachable via ramps that allow access to vehicles up to the roof.
In order to optimize the inner spaces of circulation and to add two rows of car parks, the project had to be realized with 16 m large spans. The designers decided to use lightened slabs with U-Boot® Beton in reinforced concrete coupled with a post-tension system. The presence of the two technologies made it possible to achieve the goal and create the slabs without building pillars in the central areas and thus maintain the project spans of 16 m.

Daliform Group company supplied the elements U-Boot® Beton, that installed as disposable formworks directly on the horizontal shuttering, create the voids inside the slab.
Due to the lay in rows, they create ribs all along the slab length, where sheathed and greased prestressing strands and passive steel are laid. As the consequence, the prestressing steel benefits from the maximum possible lever arm for 40 cm of slab thickness, while the slab weight is considerably lightened.

Once again, the use of U-Boot® Beton has proven to be the ideal technological solution for the realization of a work that needs great spans and great architectural freedom, which allows to use the inner spaces on the best way. In addition, the reduction of the overall load of the structure has allowed an important optimization of the vertical bearing structures and foundation structures.

Our new website is now online!

We are pleased to inform you that our new website – – has been online for some days.

The graphic and structural restyling was designed to make the user’s navigation more effective and immediate. The website, indeed, is now able to offer the visitor a simpler and more functional experience, thanks to easier reading of the contents and faster loading times.

The products section, and in particular their detailed pages, contain advantages, features, technical sheets and various documentation, photographic and video references to offer the visitor a complete overview of information.
If this is not sufficient, the user could find a contact form at the bottom of the page to which address any further inquiries.
Among the many sections of the website, one was dedicated to the references, with best cases filterable by product.

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The Building Information Modeling (BIM) indicates a method for the design optimisation and for the constructions’ management and realization through a dedicated software.
The BIM objects aren’t simple three-dimensional models, but they bring with them all the useful information for the building’s project and construction.
The BIM is changing the way to realize and manage projects and the collaboration between the different members of the project’s team (architecture, engineering, technical equipment, facility management).
With the digital instruments BIM and the technical services offered by Daliform, the designer has the possibility to access to complete solutions for all the projects’ workflow.
From now, almost all our construction systems are available in the BIM format, on the BIMobject website, downloadable here:

New Avis Technique certificate for the U-Boot® Beton construction system

Daliform Group is proud to announce that the U-Boot® Beton construction system has just obtained the AVIS Technique, a certificate of technical suitability for use, issued by the CSTB (Center Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment / France). The system, since a few months, was included in the „green list“ of current products by the C2P (Commission Prevention Products). This new AVIS adds to what has already been achieved for the Iglù® system, in the distant 2004.

Teamwork, passion and dedication have been the key ingredients to achieve this goal.

We take this opportunity to thank all those who took part in this demanding job, especially our partners, the Design Firms, and the Construction Companies for the trust placed in us.

The official Avis Technique document will soon be available soon on the CSTB website.

Tour TRINITY – A new outstanding project in Paris

Outstanding project of a new tower under construction in La Défense, by the Bateg, GTM Bâtiment and Sogea TPI Companies of the Vinci Group. The name of the building is Tour Trinity. Works started in 2016 and they will end in the second semester of 2019. The architectural project is by Crochon Brullmann + Associés.

It is a 33-storey skyscraper with a total height of 140 m and an area of ​​49,000 m2 for offices, shops and restaurants. The structure is made entirely of steel with a reinforced concrete central core, the floors are made by using concrete on corrugated sheet.

The need to minimize as much as possible the incidence of floor overloads inevitably led to the Iglù® System solution, widely used at various levels. Iglù® System was used to compensate design height differences in floor levels without overloading the floors themselves too much. This has also made it possible to optimize the loads on foundation, a fundamental aspect in the design of tower buildings.

Future building in 100 italian stories

On Thursday 18 April 2019, in the wonderful setting of Palazzo Giacomelli in Treviso, with the presence of the Mayor Mario Conte and other authorities, it was presented the project „100 Italian stories for future building“, the story of a hundred realities of the building industry that, through the innovation, challenge the future, created by Symbola Foundation in collaboration with Fassa Bortolo.

Several issues were discussed, issues that unite the work of 100 Italian excellences included in this report, among which Daliform G. In particular, there was talked about innovation, sustainability, green building and urban regeneration: key ingredients in the relaunch of the building market.

During the presentation, Dr. Sturabotti Domenico, Director of the Symbola Foundation, briefly dwelt on Daliform Group and its innovative items: an example of how sustainability and quality can coexist in a single product.

Besides Ermete Realacci (President of the Symbola Foundation) and Paolo Fassa (President of Fassa Bortolo), Maria Cristina Piovesana (President Vicar of Assindustria Venetocentro) and the architect and designer Tobia Scarpa also intervened in the resulting debate. All moderated by the RAI journalist, Maria Pia Zorzi.

Read here the press release.

Tour ALTO: Daliform Group at La Défense

Another tower is added to the ones built so far with the use of U-Boot® Beton of Daliform Group.
We are in Paris, more exactly at La Défense, where the Tour Alto will be inaugurated in 2020: about 6.000 sqm of slabs realized with our product in 35 floors, for a total of 150 m of height and a surface from 700 sqm on the first floor up to 1.500 sqm on the highest floor. It is thanks to this particular characteristic of the building that the U-Boot® Beton System was chosen: versatile, adaptable to non-standard spaces and different layouts. Furthermore, it well fitted with the need to reduce as much as possible the slabs weight and to obtain large spans up to over 18 meters.
Another key point in favour of Daliform Group was the ability to adapt the logistics to the building site, by studying a special packaging to supply the exact quantity of formworks and to be able to deliver them to a construction site characterized by an extremely reduced handling space.

100 Italian stories for future building

On 17 January, the “100 Italian stories for future building” research, carried out by Symbola Foundation in collaboration with Fassa Bortolo, was presented in Milan.
The aim of the project was to highlight the 100 Italian excellences of the present which are looking toward the future relying on innovation, sustainability and beauty.
It’s with great pride that we can announce that Daliform Group entered the rank by distinguished itself for its efficiency and for its increasingly “green” work.

Download the brochure.